11: The group reflects together

Session 11: April 18

The group reflects

Helping groups let go of presuppositions, make sense of a situation, and align on purpose and possibility

We continue our exploration of the question, “How can a group of people move through the creative process together, maintaining their openness, as they work in social complexity?” This week we explore ways to help a group move from seeing and listening into reflection. Not “analysis,” for which there are plenty of places to learn good methods, but the creative necessity of reflection.

Lecture and activities

  • Lecture: theory and practice of facilitated group reflection
  • Methods and stories: situation modeling, art-based methods, stillness, circle dialogue, Theory U

Key concepts

  • Difference between reflection and analysis
  • Methods for group reflection

Required materials

Larsen, Risk and acting into the unknown, from Patricia Shaw, Experiencing risk, spontaneity and improvisation in organizational change

Video: Global Wellbeing and GNH Lab


Optional materials

Visit The Presencing Institute’s web site to learn more about Theory U.  Download and read any of a number of case studies.