Session 8: April 6
Saying what needs to be said while maintaining good relationship
Creating the conditions for co-creativity, part two: SHOWING UP AS AN EQUAL AND ENGAGING IN honest communication
It’s easy to go along to get along, but it’s not healthy for a group to maintain an appearance of collaboration while harmful behavior or power-relationships goes unaddressed and continues to undermine real progress.Our habitual tendency is to enact the hierarchical structures of society through informal, invisible and unspoken actions and agreements. Through theatre methods we explore what it feels like to give power up or take power over and to stand in conflict as an equal. In this class we will explore two models of communication: control and collaboration. We’ll experientially explore our default conflict styles and dig a little deeper into Marshall Rosenberg’s frame of Nonviolent Communication to help us shift conversations from opposing positions to mutually understood needs.
Lecture and activities
- Lecture: From communication as control to communication as an act of collaboration
- Activity: Relating as an act of power – giving power up, taking power over, being equal
- Activity & lecture: Exploring differnt conflict styles
- Lecture and activities: Understanding the philosophy and four steps of NVC
Key concepts
- Kraybill’s model of conflict styles
- Patsy Rodenberg’s three circles
- The skills and frames of nonviolent communication: observations, feelings, needs, request
- Assumptions, inferences, positions and interests
Required materials
Selected PDF’s on Nonviolent Communication
Practice listening and speaking with the NVC frame
Optional materials
- Roger Swartz et al, The skilled facilitator andThe skilled facilitator’s field book
(Amazon links) - HIGHLY RECOMMENDED if you were intrigued by nonviolent communication: video of a three-hour workshop with Marshall Rosenberg